
  1. Polygon Sun [4:20]
  2. Aluminum [5:55]
  3. Triangular [8:02]
  4. One [4:56]
  5. Five [5:30]
  6. Six [4:09]
  7. The Parasprinter [2:42]



Tour Journal:
Today’s show was also a video shoot… the venue is well known for its “on the fly” live video editing setup. We walked away with all around fair dvd copies of our performance, which we’re still deciding what we want to do with.

Otherwise, the show was dead…and the hotel adjacent to the venue refused to give us the “band discount” the venue promised they’d offer (we couldn’t crash with anyone, because there was hardly even anyone to ask). The 8 of us slept sitting up in the van, in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Southern hospitality once again fails us.

At least we figured out how to scam free food from Chick-Fil-A.

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