
  1. The Parasprinter [3:39]
  2. Polygon Sun [3:48]
  3. Aluminum [5:55]
  4. Triangular [8:20]
  5. One [5:23]
  6. Five [5:52]
  7. Zelda Medley (with Minibosses) [6:50]




Tour Journal:
Wow…. this was the best welcome home reception we could have ever hoped for. We headlined to over 350 sweaty insane persons… and did a secret dual encore with THE MINIBOSSES…. couldn’t have gone any better… just check out the pictures and video below to catch a glimpse of what went down!

(the last video in particular is amazing…. listen for the overmodulated crowd noises when they recognize the tune we’re playing)

Concert Photos:

Candid Photos:

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