Tour Journal:
RIP Monkey Mania
Our friend and Denver celebrity of rock n roll best dudeness, Josh Taylor (of Friends Forever), moved a while ago, and despite this, we still wanted to give the “new” monkey mania a try. Long story short, after we literally got the show UN-cancelled (they tried to cancel it that day, fortunately we arrived early), cleaned the hell out of the venue (mysterious piles of shit? dog or human?), the show actually happened to a very small crowd. It felt very sad to us though, as if going through the motions of something good that was long past. One new guy living there was trying to give his honest help, however.
Ironically, Josh ended up moving to LA and working @ The Smell and Amoeba Records, both places we’ve hit and loved, so best of luck to him… hope to catch him there sometime in the future.
Thankfully Mr Pacman and co. saved our asses, and we had a good time later on. Much thanks to Avery.