CHROMELODEON NEEDS YOUR HELP! First, our show next Friday, April 9th, in Amherst, MA is cancelled. Apparently the house where show was being held at can not have shows there anymore. We’re sorry to have to report yet another show cancellation. However, we’re going to be up in the area that weekend for two other shows and we are currently trying to book a new show that night. If anyone can help us get on another show that night in or around the area of Amherst, MA you will truly be a hero to many, including us.

Next, we’re beginning to book our summer tour. We are looking to do it in the last week of May and the first two weeks of June and again, we’re going to need some help. We’re looking to hit the east coast, the deep south, the midwest and maybe even Canada on this tour. So if anyone can help us with shows or venue suggestions or a place to stay or really anything, we would greatly appreciate it.

And Finally, Thanks to Erik from Missing Pilots for hooking us up with the new opening picture. And thank you to the lovely people in the Family Portrait Center at Walmart for putting up with us while taking our press photos. The new press photos can be seen in the Pics section. Enjoy!

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