Hi There. This is going to be a bit of a lengthy news update, so sit tight!
First, we are very sorry about all the show cancellations that have been happening lately. For the most part, they have been beyond our control, but we are looking forward to our show on the 20th. We are hoping for a good turn out. Be sure to check the Shows section for more information on that show.
Next, Magnet/Pin Combos will now be available at shows and to order from this site. Check out the Merch section if you are interested. We are running a bit low on stickers, but we will have more coming in a few weeks, so bare with us.
If you live in the Philadelphia area, be sure to keep a look out for a FREE copy of the March 2004 issue of Origivation Magazine. There will be an article featuring us in that issue, so be sure to check that out. Origivation Magazine can usually be found in record stores, but it can sometimes also be found in musical instrument stores and book stores.
Finally, we will have new pictures up in the Pics section soon. If you have any pictures of us and would not mind sharing them, please send us an email at Chromelodeon@hotmail.com. We would like to have copies of them and post them for all to see. We are in great need of performance photos. So if you can, please help us out, we would be very grateful.
That’s all for now.Be sure to check back soon for any changes or updates!